On 20th February 2018, Ascertia launched the ADSS Server 5.6 release. This release delivers further interoperability with services from Entrust Datacard and GlobalSign.
ADSS Server 5.6 release
What does Forrester’s eSignature report tell us?
A recent Forrester report outlined several interesting trends. First, the adoption of eSignatures within businesses continues to grow steadily throughout the world. In Europe, enterprises are engaging with eSignature providers for a broader set of digital services than their US counterparts.
Ascertia leading the way to an eIDAS-certified remote QSCD
In this blog, we discuss our efforts to secure an eIDAS-certified remote qualified signature creation device (QSCD).
We want to let you into a little secret. Since Sep 2017, Ascertia has been actively pursuing a Common Criteria EAL4+ certification of its ADSS Server “Signature Activation Module (SAM)” Appliance.
Interesting statistics from the 2017 Global PKI Trends Study
Last year’s IoT Solutions World Congress was an opportunity for the industry to focus on the increasing influence of the Internet of Things in PKI planning. We attended the event with our technology partner Thales e-Security, which has just published the 2017 Global PKI Trends report with the Ponemon Institute looking at trends across 11 countries.
Ascertia products unaffected by the ROBOT attack
Recently a vulnerability in the implementation of TLS protocol has been found called ROBOT (Return Of Bleichenbacher's Oracle Threat).
This is the return of a 19-year-old vulnerability that allows RSA decryption and signing operations with the private key of a TLS server.
Ascertia highly commended at the 2017 UK industry Awards
We’re pleased to announce that Ascertia has been ‘Highly Commended’ at this year’s UK IT Industry Awards in the Cloud Innovation Provider of the Year category!
Are you compliant with the EU VAT Directive?
Is your business compliant with the EU VAT Directive? Companies trading within the EU must comply with countless regulations every day, including directives specifically relating to VAT and electronic invoicing.
OCSP Responder - the must have features!
This article discusses the features that should be on a highly desirable feature list when looking for an OCSP Responder product. Although the main focus of this topic is technical, there are commercial aspects that need consideration. These are summarised briefly at the end. The technical features explained here are all available and implemented in Ascertia ADSS OCSP Server, which is downloadable on trial basis.
Long-term signatures - the essential features
Does your business require digital signatures to be verifiable months, years or even decades later? In this blog, we discuss long-term signatures and what you should look for when choosing a provider.
ADSS connector for SharePoint supports Active Directory authentication
Ascertia is delighted to announce the ADSS Connector for Microsoft SharePoint now supports Active Directory authentication for digital signatures. In this blog, we explain how this new feature benefits businesses.