Governments and organisations around the world are under pressure to enhance efficiency, reduce costs and meet increasingly stringent compliance standards.
Victoria Allen

Recent Posts
Qualified Remote Signing: The key to efficient, cost-effective government operations
Establishing digital identity in Belgium – the advantages of local signing
We spoke to Patrick Beckman Lapré, Director of Sales at DigiCert, about local signing. This conversation included what local signing entails, the European market and specific advancements in Belgium.
Catch Certificate relies on Ascertia for secure eSignature system
Norwegian company Catch Certificate needed to develop a portal for electronic documents to be used when exporting wild-caught fish.
Ascertia hosts successful 2023 Company Event
Ascertia, a global leader in digital trust products and services, recently hosted its 2023 Company Event for its extensive partner and customer network.
Video Webinar: Digital signing in the aviation industry
We were recently part of a joint initiative between Airbus, Renaissance and ourselves at Ascertia where we hosted a webinar about digital signing in the aviation industry.
Benefits of Remote Signing
The final blog in our series on the different types of eSignatures, this deep dive focuses on cloud signatures for remote signing and the details around this eSignature solution.
CREAplus leverages Ascertia's solutions to ensure e-business security
CREAplus leverages Ascertia's solutions to deliver a comprehensive package to their customers.
Ascertia and DigiCert talk about the Cloud Signature Consortium’s (CSC) influence on high-trust remote signing
There is no ignoring how much momentum digital transformation has gained over the past 18 months.
We recently caught up with Ascertia partner, Patrick Beckman Lapré, Global Sales Director at DigiCert to discuss the acceleration of digitalisation in business.
TietoEVRY and Buypass provide Europe with eSignatures
In this blog, we discuss the Nordic collaboration between TietoEVRY and Buypass and how they ensure secure signatures throughout Europe using Ascertia technology.
In Europe, there is now a huge increase in demand for protecting business documents with state of the art security technologies and the ability to sign them remotely in a way which is legally compliant with the different nations.
What is an RSSP and why it is important?
In our latest blog, we discuss RSSPs (Remote Signing Service Providers) and why they are important.
In the world of electronic and cloud-based remote signatures, regulations like eIDAS introduced the need for remote signing solutions to be delivered securely.