The rise of computers and hyperconnectivity has brought with it the paramount importance of security. Every day, billions of machines and applications are exchanging information and data. These devices add increased pressure on organisations to safeguard data pathways and machine identities against unauthorised access.
Navigating machine identities in a zero-trust world
Establishing digital identity in Belgium – the advantages of local signing
We spoke to Patrick Beckman Lapré, Director of Sales at DigiCert, about local signing. This conversation included what local signing entails, the European market and specific advancements in Belgium.
Catch Certificate relies on Ascertia for secure eSignature system
Norwegian company Catch Certificate needed to develop a portal for electronic documents to be used when exporting wild-caught fish.
What is an eSignature?
Businesses across the globe are embracing the digital transformation, streamlining processes like never before. If you've recently encountered terms like e-signature, eSignature, or electronic signature on bank forms or employment contracts, you might be witnessing this change firsthand.
Remote signing and its legal framework in Vietnam
The pace at which Vietnam is developing in regards to digital transformation cannot be ignored - that's why Pham Quoc Hoan, Deputy Director General for the National E-Authentication Centre, Ministry of Information and Communications in Vietnam, penned this blog for Ascertia's readers.
Understanding remote signing
In the age of digital transformation, remote signing emerges as a pivotal tool in Vietnam's economic landscape.
What is digital trust and how can it be established?
What do you think when you hear digital trust? Digital trust is often related to online activities, but its true definition isn’t entirely clear to many.
Ascertia hosts successful 2023 Company Event
Ascertia, a global leader in digital trust products and services, recently hosted its 2023 Company Event for its extensive partner and customer network.
Windows Auto-Enrolment: Centralising certificate management
Microsoft essentially holds one of the world’s de facto standards when it comes to Enterprise Server and Workstation Deployments.
ADSS Server 8.2 release
The rise of on-premise digital trust solutions
Today’s digital landscape is evolving. Global organisations grapple with the critical agenda of safeguarding their data and ensuring trust in their digital operations.