Having announced that we passed the evaluation process earlier this month, the Common Criteria process has now officially completed with the issuance of this certificate.
This certification enables the ADSS SAM (Signature Activation Module) Appliance to be listed as a certified product on the Common Criteria website (under Products for Digital Signatures).
It proves that an independent evaluation laboratory tested the ADSS SAM Appliance and confirmed its compliance against the eIDAS standard for remote Qualified Signatures, i.e. EN 419 241-2. It represents the highest-level of trust in a remote Qualified Signature Creation Device (QSCD).
Our Common Criteria EAL4+ evaluation of ADSS Server SAM Appliance was conducted under the IT Security Certification Body of Italy (known as OCSI, Organismo di Certificazione della Sicurezza Informatica).
Please note: The Ascertia SAM Appliance includes an embedded Hardware Security Model (HSM) for cryptographic processing and key management. It is independently certified under Common Criteria EAL4+ Protection Profile EN 419 221-5.
At the time of writing Ascertia is the only company globally which can deliver a certified appliance which includes a SAM and an HSM certified to the latest eIDAS standards.
If you are interested in finding out more about the ADSS Server SAM appliance get in touch.