Airbus selects Ascertia technology for digital signature initiative

Posted by Victoria Allen on Apr 26, 2021 12:36:36 PM

As a highly regulated and competitive industry, aerospace companies require robust, high-trust document approval processes underpinned by legal certainty and assurance.

Airbus select Ascertia technology for digital signature initiative

Who is Airbus?

Airbus is an industry pioneer, the world’s largest airline manufacturer and a truly cross-border organisation with more than 130,000 employees in its workforce.

Ascertia, Airbus and Keystone deliver digital signatures

Digital signatures play a critical role within enterprises of this scale, helping to accelerate business workflows, ensure compliance with international standards and advance digital transformation initiatives with trust at their core.

Ascertia’s long-time partner eSignHaven will be implementing the solution with Airbus aiming to utilise 2 million digital signatures per year across their global aerospace and civil divisions. This includes local smartcard signing and remote server side signing.

The signatures will be consumed through Ascertia’s SigningHub product deployed on-premise and via a private SAAS environment hosted by KeySign.

Thanks to SigningHub’s flexibility and control, Airbus can have the ability to flex either environment to suit evolving business needs and adapt how signatures are utilised internally and externally.

Find out more about our digital signature solution here.