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Webinar: Digital Signing in Aviation | Ascertia | Blog

Written by Victoria Allen | Jun 14, 2022 9:54:32 AM

We were recently part of a joint initiative between Airbus, Renaissance and ourselves at Ascertia where we hosted a webinar about digital signing in the aviation industry.

Moderated by Adrian Walker, Ascertia’s Senior Sales Manager, panellists included Ascertia’s CPO Mike Hathaway, Director at Renaissance Michael Conway and trusted advisor Fatih Murat, who leads the digital trust solutions and industrial cyber security teams at Airbus.

The roundtable discussion between Ascertia, Airbus and Renaissance covered many interesting topics, from digital transformation and digital trust to the specific challenges faced by the aviation industry. 

Aviation is a high-trust, data sensitive industry dealing with personal passenger data as well as contributing to national economies and international trade. Cybersecurity and cyber resilience are a key priority for the industry.

Airbus’ Fatih Murat explained the importance of digital transformation for the aviation industry:

“As in any industry, in aviation corporate functions such as procurement, HR, finance and sales require solutions such as digital signatures to be more cost efficient, faster, and to be more collaborative.
"When considering engineering aircraft maintenance or aircraft operations, all these points apply yet we have further challenges making sure that compliance, data management and security is more rigid.”

Watch the full webinar here.