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eSigning's impact on Ghana | Ascertia | Blog

Written by Nick Glass | May 15, 2024 10:00:00 AM

Ghana is on a remarkable path towards becoming Africa’s digital powerhouse. With a vision for a “smart nation”, the government is actively implementing initiatives to improve efficiency, transparency and inclusivity across various sectors.

Electronic signatures are a cornerstone of digital transformations. They play a critical role in Ghana’s journey, and Ascertia is proud to be a trusted partner in bringing these ambitions to life.

Ghana’s digital transformation roadmap

Ghana’s ambitious digital transformation roadmap paints a picture of a nation empowered by technology, where citizens and businesses seamlessly interact in a secure and efficient digital ecosystem. The country’s vision rests on five key pillars, each vital in propelling Ghana towards a smarter digital future.

Digital infrastructure

The bedrock of Ghana’s digital transformation is a robust infrastructure. This encompasses several key initiatives:

  • Expanding internet access – Improving digital technology adoption requires ensuring widespread and affordable internet access nationwide. This might involve initiatives like investing in fibre optic networks, promoting public-private partnerships for infrastructure development and exploring innovative solutions like satellite internet to reach remote areas.
  • Developing data centres – Data is the fuel of the digital age, and its growth is exponential. Secure and reliable data centres are essential for storing and managing the data generated by citizens, businesses and government agencies. Investment in data centre infrastructure will ensure data security, sovereignty and efficient cloud-based services.
  • Promoting cybersecurity measures – As Ghana embraces digitisation, robust cybersecurity measures become paramount. This includes establishing a national cybersecurity framework, raising public awareness around cyber threats and investing in cybersecurity training for businesses and government institutions. The National Communications Authority (NCA) has already taken the first step by establishing the NCA Computer Emergency Response Team (NCA-CERT) to combat cyberattacks and network vulnerabilities.

Digital literacy

Digital fluency is no longer a luxury but a necessity for active participation in the modern world. Ghana’s roadmap recognises the importance of equipping its citizens with the skills to navigate digital platforms. They plan to achieve this through:

  • Educational programs – Integrating digital literacy modules into the national curriculum at all levels ensures future generations have essential digital skills. Adult education programs can also bridge the digital divide for the existing workforce.
  • Public awareness campaigns – Raising public awareness about the benefits and applications of digital technologies is crucial for encouraging adoption. This may include targeted campaigns using various media channels to educate Ghanaians on everything from basic internet safety to using online government resources effectively.
  • Development initiatives – Investing in programs that equip Ghanaians with in-demand skills like coding, data analytics and social media marketing will foster a future-proof workforce and unlock new economic opportunities.

Digital government services

Streamlining government services through online platforms is a cornerstone of Ghana’s digital transformation strategy. This initiative has several positive outcomes, including:

  • Improved efficiency – Online platforms eliminate the need for physical visits and lengthy paperwork. They allow citizens to access and apply for government services conveniently and efficiently. This frees up government resources and reduces administrative burdens.
  • Enhanced accessibility – By making services available online, geographic limitations become less of a barrier. Citizens in remote areas can access the same services as urban centres, fostering greater inclusivity and participation.
  • Increased transparency – Online platforms promote transparency by giving citizens a clear view of available services, application statuses and relevant information. This fosters trust and accountability within the government.

Digital economy

Ghana’s digital transformation strategy aims to unlock the immense potential of the digital economy. Here is how they plan to do this:

  • E-commerce growth – Encouraging the growth of e-commerce platforms will provide businesses with a wider reach and new markets. This benefits established businesses and empowers entrepreneurs to launch and scale online ventures.
  • Mobile money revolution – Mobile money has already played a transformative role in Ghana’s financial landscape. The government’s roadmap aims to further promote adopting mobile money solutions. This will foster inclusion and drive cashless transactions.
  • Digital entrepreneurship – By nurturing a culture of digital entrepreneurship, Ghana can embrace a wave of innovation. This may involve initiatives such as incubators, mentorship programs and access to funding specifically for digital startups.

Digital society

Ghana recognises that the benefits of digital transformation must be accessible to everyone. Their plan to bridge the country’s digital divide includes:

  • Affordable technology – Making access to smartphones and computers more affordable is essential for ensuring widespread participation in the digital ecosystem. Government initiatives or public-private partnerships can play a role in achieving this goal.
  • Digital literacy – As mentioned earlier, equipping citizens with digital skills is crucial. Targeted training programs focused on specific demographics, like rural communities or the elderly, can ensure that no one gets left behind.
  • Public access – Establishing public Wi-Fi hotspots and internet cafes in strategic locations can provide access points for those who may not have internet connectivity at home. This particularly benefits students, entrepreneurs and those seeking government services online.

The interconnectivity of Ghana’s digital transformation pillars

It is important to understand that these five pillars are not isolated initiatives. Rather, they are interconnected elements that work together to achieve Ghana’s digital transformation goals. Consider the following:

Under pillar one, a robust digital infrastructure is essential for the smooth functioning of online government services (pillar 3) and e-commerce platforms (pillar 4).

Digital literacy programs (pillar 2) empower citizens to utilise online services effectively, while a thriving digital economy (pillar 4) creates new job opportunities that require digital skills.

By addressing these pillars, Ghana can create a digital ecosystem that fosters innovation, efficiency and inclusivity for all its citizens. As a trusted partner in this journey, Ascertia is committed to providing secure, user-friendly eSigning solutions that empower Ghanaians to participate actively in this digital future.

What role does eSigning play in Ghana’s digital transformation journey?

eSigning acts as a powerful catalyst, seamlessly integrating into each of the five pillars. Use of electronic signature platforms, such as Ascertia’s SigningHub:

  • Incentivises investment in secure digital infrastructure
  • Improves digital literacy by being user-friendly
  • Streamlines government services by allowing for online signatures
  • Fuels the digital economy with secure online transactions
  • Promotes an inclusive digital society by allowing everyone to participate regardless of location

As Ghana implements eSigning solutions, they are not just adopting a technology but actively building a smarter, more connected future for all.

Ascertia: Your trusted eSigning partner in Ghana

Ascertia understands the unique needs and challenges of the Ghanaian market. As a leading provider of secure and compliant eSigning solutions, we offer a comprehensive platform, tailored to support Ghana’s digital transformation goals:

  • User-friendly interface – Our platform is easy to navigate, requiring minimal technical experience. This makes eSigning accessible to all Ghanaians, regardless of their digital literacy level.
  • Unparalleled security – We prioritise the security of your data. Our solutions adhere to international security standards and employ robust encryption to ensure document and signature integrity.
  • Compliance with local regulations – Ascertia's electronic signature solutions comply with the Electronic Transactions Act, 2008 (Act 772) and other relevant Ghanaian regulations.
  • Multilingual support – Ascertia’s solutions are available in multiple languages, ensuring inclusivity for all Ghanaians.
  • Customisation options – We offer customisable solutions to cater for the specific needs of businesses and government agencies.

eSigning is a powerful tool, but its success hinges on more than the technology. Ascertia understands this and goes beyond simply providing electronic signature and digital trust products.

We are a committed partner in Ghana’s digital transformation journey. Through collaboration with local organisations and government agencies, we promote eSigning education and awareness campaigns.

Additionally, we offer training and easy-to-understand videos to empower people and organisations to understand the technology’s benefits and applications. As thought leaders in the digital trust industry, we actively participate in discussions and share best practices. This fosters a robust eSigning ecosystem in Ghana.

By working together, Ascertia and Ghana can unlock eSigning's immense potential, streamlining processes, enhancing security and helping the country achieve its digital transformation goals.

Get in touch with our team today to discuss how our solutions can help your organisation achieve its digital transformation targets today.