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LAWtrust SigningHub Tips | Ascerita | Blog

Written by Riaan De Villiers | Jun 29, 2021 9:08:49 AM

Ascertia provides an integrated solution for PKI and digital signature trust service components. Organisations can safely manage digital identities across their corporate networks and migrate paper-intensive processes to the digital world by using Ascertia’s products to digitally sign on the desktop, mobile or via an automated server.

Riaan de Villiers, Solutions Consultant at Ascertia partner LAWtrust, shared his top tips on how to make the most of everything SigningHub has to offer. 

SigningHub is designed to cope with the many requirements and challenges that busy organisation face daily. There are many features to make the lives of SigningHub users easier. It does not matter if you are new to SigningHub or if you are an experienced SigningHub user, there is always something more to learn.

Today we will provide 10 tips on using Signing to get your documents signed off quicker and manage your workflows better.

If you sign off certain documents regularly, use templates to configure the workflow with the click of a button

        1. Use templates for regular documents

        2. If you sign off certain documents regularly, use templates to configure the workflow with the click of a button
        3. Set reminders to remind signers to sign

        4. During the workflow configuration process, set automated reminders to periodically remind signers that there is a document waiting for their signature.
        5. Sign multiple documents at once with bulk signing

        6. Are there a lot of documents waiting for your signature? Use SigningHub’s bulk signing functionality to sign them all at once.
        7. Don’t hold up signing workflows – use delegate signing

        8. Ensure that signing workflows run smoothly while you are not available to sign by nominating a delegate to sign documents on your behalf while you are away.
        9. Import your documents from the cloud

        10. SigningHub is integrated into Google Drive, OneDrive and DropBox. Connect your cloud drives to quickly sign your documents in SigningHub.
        11. Send a customised message to the signers

        12. Is there anything that you want to bring to your signers’ attention? Add a customised email message to the workflow.
        13. Add an extra layer of security with an OTP

        14. Add an extra layer of security with a second factor of authentication. Configure an OTP to be sent to the signer’s phone that they must enter into SigningHub before they can sign the document.
        15. Manage the users to receive the signed document

        16. Use SigningHub’s post-process engine to manage the recipients of the signed document.
        17. Customise the branding

        18. SigningHub’s branding functionality enables you to customise the look and feel of emails that SigningHub sends to the signers. You can also brand your SigningHub enterprise with your organisation’s logo and colours.
        19. Attach supporting documents with the attachment and merging functionality

        20. Signing a document that requires supporting documentation? Attach or merge the supporting documents into the document that requires your

The above-mentioned tips are just a few examples of how SigningHub can speed up your organisation’s signing workflows and make your life easier.

To learn more about the advantages of using SigningHub, visit the SigningHub website today.